Consumer Products Manufacturing
In today’s culture where instant gratification drives what consumers buy, it's vital for manufacturers to stay ahead of the constant changes. Product development and replenishment life-cycles can shrink, supply chains feel the impact of every buying pattern shift, and manufacturers face tightening margins. In order to gain share and increase profit, consumer products companies must anticipate and meet customer demand on the shelf, while managing their margins and complying with ever-evolving safety and environmental regulations.

Our Solutions are Used Effectively in Consumer Products Manufacturing
- 700+ Consumer Products Sites Live on QAD
- 60 Countries with QAD Consumer Products Customers
- $1.62 Trillion Annual Revenue Generated by QAD Consumer Products Customers
- Our Customer Base, From Big Companies With 5,000 Users to Small Companies With 5 Users Proves Our Solutions are Robust and Flexible.
Built on a Strong Foundation
QAD actively works with customers in a number of development and industry groups. Learning from these initiatives.
QAD incorporates the best processes and features to help consumer product manufacturers readily adapt to changes in their consumer demand, production, delivery, financial and supply chain needs in today’s global marketplace.
Focus on Meeting Customer Demand on the Shelf
Consumer product manufacturers can never have too much information about consumer behavior. Today, manufacturers rely on point of sale data and store level data to improve planning and fulfillment.
QAD Demand Planning uses mathematical models based on consumer data to build and manage accurate forecasts, uncovering seasonality and other consumer buying patterns. QAD Business Intelligence helps manufacturers quickly evaluate business situations to make informed decisions, such as production and distribution decisions. QAD Warehouse Management offers a complete range of task automation, picking, quality control, replenishment and inventory analysis across multiple warehouses. Consumer product companies use QAD Enterprise Applications to support frequent deliveries that reduce stock-outs at the shelf.
Focus on Successful Promotions
Consumer product manufacturers expend enormous amounts of money on trade spending and promotions, using a variety of techniques such as coupons, bundling and discounting programs. But what works?
QAD’s Trade Activity Management offers manufacturers full visibility into promotional processes and metrics, and includes a set of automated promotion processes to reduce the likelihood of errors. Integrated with QAD Demand Planning and QAD Business Intelligence, it matches forecasts to results, and offers a wide range of reports and what if analyses to model future promotions.
Focus on
Product Innovation
Delivering new products quickly to the marketplace is critical to the success of consumer product companies.
Structuring manufacturing operations and processes to adapt to a variable product mix helps manufacturers roll out new products quickly and more cost effectively.
QAD Lean Manufacturing supports consumer products companies that adopt lean quality principles including Kanban, takt time calculations and visual control and safety methods.
QAD Configurator enables a manufacturer to develop configure-to-order products quickly and without the need over the Web without assistance. QAD Trade Activity Management helps companies manage promotions, trade spending and rebates and drawbacks.
Focus on
Product Innovation
In an environment where consumers are more selective about where and how to spend their money and private label suppliers undercut the pricing of branded suppliers, pressures to drive margins in the consumer products industry is higher than ever.
Increasing promotion frequency, providing customer self-service and putting product configuration directly in the hands of consumers all contribute to margin improvement.
QAD Customer Self Service (CSS) supplies a sophisticated Web storefront tool for self-service sales transactions and inquiries. This enables manufacturers to take orders QAD CSS integrates with QAD Configurator to even allow customers to configure products
Focus on
Safety and Compliance
When a single blog post or a flurry of tweets can highlight quality issues to the world in a split second, consumer product manufacturers must adhere to standards and industry certification standards such as ISO. Managing recalls effectively not only preserves brand reputation it protects profitability too. Achieving product safety and compliance reaches across the supply chain, which must adhere to the same standards, practices and regulations.
QAD QMS (Quality Management System) provides the functionality to meet ongoing quality system requirements, while sharing quality data across all manufacturing and supply chain processes. It enables consumer product companies to configure business processes to ensure they meet internationally recognized compliance requirements.
QAD Lot Trace Workbench helps companies manage product recalls, and the identification and location of all products through every manufacturing and distribution stage. Serialization and Lot Management enable companies to manage high volume serialization tracking and tracing and mass serialization, while at the same time enabling the management and control of logistics requirements.
Built for the Cloud and on Premise Use, Available as Subscription or Capital Investment
While cloud may be preferred among large multinational companies, on-premise may be better choice for smaller companies - mostly because it enables more flexibility at implementations. Both cloud and on premise are available for subscription; on premise is also available as capital investment.
ERP as a Service has two major advantages:
- No need to make Capital Investment.
- We take care for your Information Technology, and you take care for your Products - everybody doing what knows the best.
QAD Enterprise Applications: A Complete Suite Built for Consumer Products Manufacturing
QAD Cloud ERP and QAD Enterprise Applications on premise deployments enable Consumer Products manufacturers to effectively:
- Address the need for meeting consumer demand “on the shelf” Introduce new products faster and more effectively to meet demand
- Optimize processes across manufacturing, the supply chain and customer facing operations, with an emphasis on quality, cost and delivery while maintaining the desired level of operational performance.
- Support global growth, expansion and margin improvement.
- More rapidly meet ever-evolving safety and regulatory requirements.
- Access and analyze processes and data, particularly in terms of consumer behavior with visibility to make rapid, fact-based business decisions.
- Deploy in the cloud or on premise using proven implementation and migration services.
- Operate sites simultaneously in the cloud and on premise with a single view of transactions and information across all business entities.